
Movie Review: The Usual Suspects

I believe that, of all the cops and robbers flicks I've seen, this is one of the best. In fact, I suppose that this isn't really a robber's film, but that's for you to figure out.

The story has a lot of good twists, that and good acting makes this movie a classic.

Trying not to give anything away, I have to say that Soze is a classic and otherwise beautifully crafted character.



Theory: Seeding

I've heard a theory that's been floating around for a long time now, and I'd just like to write it
down here. [If you know who came up with this theory, leave a comment and I'll add their name here].
It goes something like this:

How did life start? Why? It is possible that, when a certain meteor fell from the sky to the earth, it had come from another solar system, and had some form of life on it. Chances are, that it was bacterial life, since that's what we think that life here started as... If not, what started us off?

The last question is, I find a very interesting one... I wonder if we'll ever find the origin of life.


Theory: Theories and Ideas

Theories are essentially ideas that need yet to be proven, or at least, they are proven when enough evidence is shown to make them look true. Very rarely, a theory is entirely correct, unless it's very simple.
So then, if that's true, then I say this: no idea is entirely true. Somewhere, there's a untruth. Even in what I am saying now, someone can show me why it's wrong. My point is, maybe, whenever we talk, we invent new theories, or put new spins on ones that were presented to us just before.

Basically, when I say "David just left quickly to the supermarket.", this is what I believe. There is a slight possibility that I was hallucinating, that David did not in fact leave. Therefore, it's a theory. Then, when someone else says "He also took my twenty dollars strait out of my pocket!", this can be argued against with the very fact that David may not have taken the twenty, it's possible it wasn't a twenty, that he took it out of the person's hand, instead.
Even if David were to uphold these claims, then there would be the problem that he too could have been hallucinating... The possibilities are endless to this argument.



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