
Jumping 20 Feet, into nothing.

This summer, I went with my Ukranian Scouts Group to Algonquin park for the 49th anniversary. Point is, on the fifth day of the two-week camp, we went on a three day canoe trip away from our "base camp".
Where I'm going with all of this is the following; when we got to a first end of a lake, and were about to enter an interesting canal, we stopped for awhile to wait for the girls to catch up to our group.
There, we found a bridge [overlooking water] that we all jumped off of. Twenty feet. Into water, off a bridge. About one story high. Not bad, I think.
At first, when we jumped, we thought, "I'mgonnadie, I'mgonnadie! wahoo!!". I don't recommend jumping, but it is a once in a lifetime experience. I mean, I hope I do it again, and that I survive, but all the same.
For a final note, at the end, when we left, after the girls had already began their jumps, a guy and girl got chased out of the water by a snapping turtle, and we stopped.


Movie Review: The Sixth Sense

I figured that this was way overdue to see, so I got the movie rented on DVD, and saw it. Personally, I expected it to be a horror flick, and was delighted by what I saw.
The sixth sense is a very interesting and intelligent film, about a phyciatrist. Or so it seems, at the beginning.
With a completely unexpected twist at the end, I belive this movie to be one of the greats - a classic, with no doubt.


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