
Leeroy hopes she won't mind.

Leeroy decided to take to the streets again this week after seeing the lack of effect his march on the garbage sector had. So, instead of fighting the garbagemen, he has decided to instead show his appreciation of the private sector of Real Estate... He refuses to tell us why, so I guess we'll find out sometime soon.

That cryptic stick is back at work...

PS. RIP Michael Jackson



We're not really sure why we took a picture of the National Post box, but whatever...

They can't escape. It is simply impossible; Leeroy is everywhere. Now that Toronto city workers are on strike, Leeroy has decided to boycott all city structures and just take pictures of Federal and Provincial utilities. This is sure to hurt the city workers back to their jobs. I decided to put up just a couple of pictures this time, to keep any of them from becoming too depressed. Is that a garbage truck I hear outside?'


Strike of the Stick!

(Leeroy examines the city of Toronto's "Garbage disposal" system, while onlookers stare.)
It's those crazy kids and their stick again, roaming aimlessly and taking pictures of a piece of wood. Leeroy very much enjoyed this particular garbage bin; it was very hot on that bright summer afternoon. Then the wind puffed a little and he fell.

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